Monday, January 31, 2011
Vackrast någonsin - gamla golv!
De flesta gillar att ta in något gammalt för att bryta av mot allt det nya. Det gör inredningen mer levande och man kommer bort från risken att ens hem ser ut som taget från en katalog. Något som är riktigt fint är när man lägger in gamla golv. Det ger hela hemmet en spännande karaktär och då kan man verkligen gå loss på modern inredning utan att det tar udden från rummet. Det kommer allt mer
Cultivate What Your Critics Don't Like
Listen carefully to first criticisms of your work. Note just what it is about your work that critics don't like - then cultivate it!!That's the part of your work that's individual and worth keeping.Jean CocteauCan you think of better advice for a creative individual?It takes great courage and confidence of steel to follow through with this advice.But...think about anyone who is famous probably
Bedroom Interior Design
When the weather turns for the worst, and the first signs of winter chill start to take hold, the miserable weather often inspires people to carry out some DIY in the house, and the very first thing that springs to mind is redecorating. Very often it is the bedroom that is first to get its makeover, but before deciding on the finer points of your interior designing efforts, some thoughts
Shopbop on Sale and $100 Giveaway!
** Update: Nikki - You are the winner! Congrats **You can never have too many shoes - from edgy military inspired boots to the classic black pump. Shopbop, a premier online shopping destination for fashion forward women, is giving one lucky BB&B reader $100 to shop for whatever style your heart (and feet) desires.To stay stylish and comfortable during the day, Shopbop offers flats from designers
Monday Inspiration and Blogging Success Tips
I have seen so many inspirational blog posts that have come from attending theAlt Design Summit. I think I better join the forces and attend one of these amazing conferences soon!I love these tips from Tina of SwissMiss via Design for Mankind1. Nobody can tell you what’s best for you.2. Surrounding yourself with smart people is key.3. Don’t just talk; do it. (If it fails, move on.)4. Be kind and
Are you on Twitter? Follow Bright Bold and Beautiful!
More ways to follow BB&Bshop * facebook * twitter * bloglovin * tumblr
Din soffa blir aldrig snygg utan...
... rätt soffbord! Vi lägger så mycket tid och energi på att hitta den rätta soffan. Vi letar, provar, tar oss tid... Sedan köper vi ett soffbord till. Ofta ett som står bredvid i butiken. Eller så kanske vi sparar vårt gamla. Soffan, som oftar kostar en bra slant, blir aldrig snyggare än vad soffbordet är. Varje soffa kräver ett visst soffbord för att komma till sin rätt. Ett snyggt soffbord som
Det är du som är skatten!
Tänk att få vakna upp och ta en morgondusch under regnbågen! Sägs det inte att man finner en skatt där regnbågen slutar? Kan väl inte vara något annat än stärkande? I alla fall mår vi bra av att få lite extra ljus på oss i dessa mörka tider. Residence Design gillar inredning som får oss att må bättre! Dusch från IB Rubinetterie.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Entertainment News: Super Bowl XLV Sunday Game Day Commercials
Are you ready for Super Bowl XLV? I have to admit that I am just as excited to view the commercials as the actual game, how about you? I heard that Justin Bieber and the Osbournes are teaming up in a commercial... interesting combination! Christina Aguilera will sing the national Anthem and the Black Eyed Peas will be performing at half-time. Oh yes, and there is some football to watch in between
minimalist interior Bedroom Furnitur
When choosing the furniture you do not want to make the mistake of having a beautifully designed room but not so nice furniture plonked into the middle of it. Think about where you will want everything placed before you start purchasing what you require. This planning in advance can save a lot of future hassle. The biggest part of a bedroom is obviously going to be the bed, so getting this
Modern Elegance ~ Armonia Decors
I found Emily Ruddo, the designer behind Armonia Decors via a new blog find,Coco Pearl. Strikingly handsome interiors with bold color ~ which I love! Check out Emily's blog too.More Beautiful Living and More ways to follow BB&Bshop * facebook * twitter * bloglovin * tumblr
Bright Finds: The Kindle
Guess what I just purchased? Yes, the Kindle! Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology "Smaller, Lighter, Faster, with 50% better contrast"... I might be behind the rest of you, but I am excited none the less - woo hoo! and of course I had to get the cool leather cover ~ Kindle Lighted Leather Cover, Burgundy Red (Fits 6" Display, Latest
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Ränder, ränder, ränder!
I vår sätter vi ränder på vår tillvaro. Efter en lång tids dominans av färgerna vitt, svart, grått och silver kommer en variation av dessa färger - i mönster. Snyggt! Bild 1: John Jacob Interiors via Alkemie, Bild 2 Stylisten Lotta Agaton visar sitt hem i novembernumret av tidningen Residence.
Which Tree For Me?
I have narrowed it down to one of these trees.The yellow,the purple,or the orangie-red????This last tree is called an african tulip tree.I have wanted one of these for years,but they get huge.Which tree do you like?Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection,
Subscribe to the BB&B Newsletter
Sign up for the Bright Bold and Beautiful newsletter ~ for free! The next issue comes out Tuesday, February 1st. I cannot believe that it is almost February, the New Year is flying by. Anyway, you can subscribe by entering your e-mail in the box (center column) to the right. After signing up, be sure to confirm your subscription by clicking the link in the follow up e-mail.** a winner will be
Älskade klassiker!
Det finns inte mycket som slår en möblerklassiker. Visst vill man ha allihop? En möbler som dessa är en god investering oavsett om man väljer en dyr eller en billigare kopia. Dessa möbler ger nämligen ditt hem en fantastiskt tidlöst elegans. Priserna och inte minst kvaliteten varierar väldigt mycket, så du kan tjäna mycket pengar på att anlita någon som kan marknaden. Namn kolumn för kolumn:1.
Best of the Week on BB&B
Happy weekend to everyone! In case you missed anything, here is the week wrap up and a few extra links from around the web. Color Inspiration: CitrusCustom Pet PortraitsEtsy Finds: Feeling Cozy with BlueBeat the Winter Blues and Smile!Would you like to promote your shop/blog?Beautiful Home Living ~ Using Lemonsand if you are already tired of the cold winter - think sun!Resort and Cruise Wear
Inspiration on the Skirted Roundtable This Week!
The latest trend in magazines is online publishing. Even trendier is starting your own online magazine – no paper issues, just digital issues. Fueled by all the print magazines that have folded during this economic downturn, everybody it seems is taking the plunge to digital. Some of the new online-only magazines are just a few pages long with not much content or effort put into them,
Inspiration on the Skirted Roundtable This Week!
The latest trend in magazines is online publishing. Even trendier is starting your own online magazine – no paper issues, just digital issues. Fueled by all the print magazines that have folded during this economic downturn, everybody it seems is taking the plunge to digital. Some of the new online-only magazines are just a few pages long with not much content or effort put into them,
Friday, January 28, 2011
Everynight Modern Sofa Bed from Ligne Roset
Modern Girl Room Design and Decor Ideas
These teen room ideas are photorealistic 3d renders from Spanish designer Sergi. He shows his woks on his blog in order to receive critics about them and to help other to design perfect room for their kids. Such designing isn’t always easy because teenagers are hard to please. Sergi’s works are done in different beautiful but not very contrast colors and are cool as for boy as for girl. If you’re design a room for teen and doesn’t buy some furniture collection from famous company which specialize in kids room designs these renders could fill your mind with a ideas.
Contemporary Kitchen Style by Florida – Futuristic Mesh Kitchen
Annechovie's Sihouettes
We all love Annechovie's Anne HarwellAnd....Anne HarwellRecently posted on a new art series of hers.I thought they would catch on ....and create a whole new set of collectors.::Silhouettes:: Miss Harwell's silhouettes would look better than these.No?From what I am reading, Annechovie's very art in silhouetteis ' trending ' right now.Have you seen this recent post of Annechovie's?Do you know
Inredningstrender på catwalken!
Vill ni veta vart man skall leta efter de allra senaste trenderna? Att inredningsdesigners hämtar inspiration från catwalken är inget nytt. Historiskt har det oftast varit så att trenden dykt upp på de stora modevisningarna och sedan så småningom tolkats in i den mest trendsättande inredningen. Nu när alla blir allt mer inredningsintresserade blir detta gap allt mindre. Det är till och med så att
Den absolut roligaste trenden just nu!
Roligaste trenden just nu är helt klart att vi vågar att göra om våra soffor! Köp en billig soffa och klä om varje kudde i ett eget tyg. Sparar man in på soffan kanske man kan lägga några kronor mer på riktigt sköna tyger. Perfekt om man råkar få en ful fläck på någon kudde - du behöver ju inte finna samma tyg på nytt utan det är ju bara att välja en ny favorit! Vågar man inte så starka färger
Beautiful Home Living: Using Lemons for Decoration
When using arrangements to add a pop of color to your room, think fruit in addition to flowers. A vase of bright yellow lemons or limes will add zest and energy to your space! See Color Inspiration: Citrus for more ideas if you missed it!More Beautiful Living and More ways to follow BB&Bshop * facebook * twitter * bloglovin * tumblrphotos: houzz** still time to enter the giveaway. Winner
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Håll färgskalan men blanda material!
Det är många som är ganska nöjda med sina hem, men som känner att de är lite hårda och stela. Modern design är snygg och man vill att denna stil skall dominera. Samtidigt vill man ha en varm och välkomnande känsla. Hur skall man lyckas med det? Lugn det finns hur mycket som helst som man kan göra! Ett bra tips är att man skall blanda material i rummet. Färgskalan skall hållas ihop, men materialen
Romantic Valentine Day for Your Home Decoration
Luxury Beach House with Modern Interior Design
![Beach House with Modern Interior Design](
![Beach House with Modern Interior Design](
![Beach House with Modern Interior Design](
![Beach House with Modern Interior Design](
![Beach House with Modern Interior Design](
13 Months
Have you had good, fair, to a not so good experience with a builder or contractor?Or even a furniture manufacturer?I was doing a clients home here in Florida across the street from the ocean in Delray Beach.It was taking forever to finish this home.We had to get the herring bone walnut floors done right,the insets in the marble done.And done right.Expecting work 'done right' in South Florida is
Would you like to Advertise on Bright Bold and Beautiful?
What can Bright Bold and Beautiful do for you? Get you noticed, of course.My competitive rates are for small businesses, crafters, and bloggers. Any advertising purchased from now until January 30th will get you a feature about your shop/craft in my upcoming newsletter on February 1st. Sign up to receive your newsletter in the box to the right, and check your e-mail to confirm.The Facts and
Bright Ideas: Beat The Winter Blues and Smile
Are the Winter Blues getting you down? Here are some tips to be happy and energized! For me, I instantly feel happier when I make my bed, get outside, connect with friends, do something good for someone else every day, and smile! Even if your smile is a fake one, it will instantly make you a little bit happier. Go ahead, try it right now...A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ~
Billiga snygga kudddar!
Det är många som låter förnya sitt hem genom att byta kuddar. Visst är det lockande att tjuvstarta våren inne med att lägga några kuddar i krispiga vårfärger i soffan? Ofta är kuddar en dyr affär. De man spanat in kostar ofta runt 1000kr och skall man då ha några stycken så kan man ju snart köpa en ny soffa! Ett bra tips är att om du vet vad du söker - ta lite tid och surfa runt lite! Kan du sy
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Låt husdjuren fungera som rumsavdelare!
Behöver ni dela av ett stort rum? Vill barnen ha ett husdjur? Då är detta en perfekt lösning! Ett akvarium som Residence Design gillar är det på bilden. Tanken med akvariet är att det skall fungera som rumsavdelare, men att ljuset i rummet skall flöda! Ingen dum idé alls! The Spacearium Ceiling Mounted Acquarium.
Hope you are staying wrapped up!
It's a Winter Wonderland outside... so I am staying warm and wrapped up! photo: SartorialistSign up for the BB&B quarterly newsletter and updatesby entering your e-mail in the box to the right. Next newsletter February 1, 2011.More Fashion blog posts and More ways to follow BB&Bshop * facebook * twitter * bloglovin *
Glamorous Make-Up
This is where I want to get dressed for work each day.These silver leafed walls are divine.The dressing table is not too bad either.{ love it }I would change the chair and the chandelier,but the rest is just fine by me.Oh,I would add austrian shades on the window,loosing the crystal beads. And do a fabulous antique area rug in neutrals.You know, I get this often,people come to me with previously
Etsy Finds: Feeling Cozy with Blue
Feeling cozy with crochet, love signs, a warm cup of tea and a promise of Spring on the way! With the cold sleet and rain in the forecast, I say it's a perfect day tocuddle up and stay warm inside.Etsy finds: crocheted pouch, license plate card, Spring container garden painting,heart you mugs, crochet slippersMore Etsy Finds and More ways to follow BB&Bshop * facebook * twitter * bloglovin *
Etsy finds,
feeling blue,
watercolor art
A Few Cute Apartments In Paris
A typical Chez Vous apartment, designed by Myra Hoefer. Chez Nous has the best looking apartments for tourist rental. There are so many furnished apartments available for short time lease in Paris, one wonders are there any apartments left for the Parisians? Myself, I love staying in a hotel – the more stars the better, but the ability to do that does depend on how good business is that month
A Few Cute Apartments In Paris
A typical Chez Vous apartment, designed by Myra Hoefer. Chez Nous has the best looking apartments for tourist rental. There are so many furnished apartments available for short time lease in Paris, one wonders are there any apartments left for the Parisians? Myself, I love staying in a hotel – the more stars the better, but the ability to do that does depend on how good business is that month
Bedroom Design Ideas 2011 with Wood Lacquer Bed Frame
Luxury South African Johannesburg House Modern Interior Decorating Ideas
Design Partnership success to devise modern South African house design as modern Johannesburg house with modern Johannesburg home interior decorating ideas and charming South African exterior. You will get charming in style and form of South African house exterior. Modern Johannesburg house built with strong and firm South African house exterior. Outdoor pool offer luxury home facilities and relax time in the weekend. When you get into modern Johannesburg house by Design Partnership, you offered with modern Johannesburg home interior decorating ideas in all rooms including luxury house bar design. It’s really luxury Johannesburg residence especially with luxury house bar design. Luxury Johannesburg residence will be comfortable South African house design for living place.
Moon i badrummet!
När man ser denna skål undrar man om man inte skall ha en guldfisk i den. Det skall man inte. Kul med annorlunda ting och detta handfat är faktiskt riktigt snyggt i sin moderna minimalistiska design! Handfatet är ett hantverk som är blåst för hand! Varför säger man inte munnblåst? :) Det är i alla fall inga maskiner som gör det och Residence Design vill gärna slå ett slag för äkta hantverk! Moon
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Hetaste trenden - låt zebran få flyttan in!
Naturligt material är här för att stanna. Trä, sten och inslag av djurskinn är här för att stanna ett tag till. Allra hetast i vår är zebran. Det finns massor av härliga zebrakuddar och mattor. Inget är äkta zebraskinn. Talar lite emot trenden med naturliga material, men faktum är att det inte gör någonting. När det kommer till djurskinn får det gärna vara fusk MEN det måste vara bra fusk som ser
Custom Pet Portraits - Angela Bishop
Not only am I inspired by Angela Bishop's talent, I desperately want to hire her for a custom pet portrait of our sweet kitty, Ellie! Her Etsy shop, Angela's Expressions has original pastels and watercolors that are so realistic you may think they are photos! This original pastel is called "Nap Time"... Click here to purchase a listing for a custom pet portrait. The "Pears" pastel is one of my
Color Inspiration: Citrus
I was thrilled to open my new Better Homes and Gardens mag and find the burst of color in the Fresh Squeeze article. They even list the palette as "Bold and Beautiful" {hmmm, where have I heard that before?}"Energy Boost: Tropical colors uplift and energize." {BHG Feb 2011 issue}photos and links: Better Homes and Gardens Feb 2011 issue, Candyland original watercolor painting, West Elm fruit
Trendspaning - sitt riktigt snyggt 2011!
Att välja rätt fotölj är löjligt svårt eftersom det finns så många fina att välja bland. Här är ett axplock av superläckra sittmöbler som skulle kunna lyfta vilket hem, kontor eller ja vilket rum som helst! Ovanifrån:Nr 1 Design av Maurizio Galante för Cerruti Baleri. 2 Kilin chair designad av Sergio Rodrigues för ClassiCon. 3 design av
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sätt färg på dina fönster!
De allra flesta har vita fönster. De allra flesta har inte ens reflekterat över att det är ett alternativ att ha dem i en annan färg. Här kommer lite inspiration! Genom att måla dina fönster i en accentfärg ger man en helt annan karaktär åt rummet. På bilderna syns ett mörkt alternativ, men det blir även snyggt i andra färger som ljus citrongul eller ljusblått. Genom att ta fram penseln kan man
Vintage Pimento ~ a Jewelry Giveaway!
** Update: Amanda, you are the winner! Congrats!! **I am very excited to announce today's giveaway hosted by my good friend, Beth Fowler! She has a cool new Etsy shop, Vintage Pimento and is adding items daily. My favorites so far are these fabulous filigree 3" long drop earrings for $22.00. The giveaway is a $50.00 certificate towards any purchase, so head on over now toVintage Pimento and take
Låt naturen stå för designen!
Ibland kan människan gott ta ett steg tillbaka och låta naturen i sig stå för designen. Titta bara på detta fantastiska soffbord! Ett enkelt bord gjord enbart av en träskiva från en trästam men ack så effektfull! Kanske skall vi börja spara och använda träden vi sågar ner i våra trädgårdar lite mer? Soffbordet skulle bryta av fint mot till exempel en för övrigt minimalistisk inredning! Detta bord
Monday Inspiration - Turquoise and Orange
"Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely. Light and colour, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end of the day." Winston ChurchillTurquoise and Orange Splash - original watercolor art painting More bright paintings for your living room and home decor.To receive your free gift, please vote for the Homies 2011 {best design blog} today.Sign up for the BB&B quarterly newsletter
What Would You Do????
I saw this and thought to myself....OMG!! This could be fabulous.It was born fabulous!This settee 'could go any way' I want it to.Be anything I want it to be.It could be shabby chic-ish { just leave it alone - hahaha }or it could go classic - traditional, { just restore it to it's former glory }or it could go' glamour ' with a lacquered finish and wild fabrics...or not so wild fabrics.What would
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Grunden för ett lyckat rum
Att man har ett snyggt golv är grunden för att rummet skall bli bra. Om golvet inte är snyggt spelar det inte så stor roll vad man gör sedan. Det blir liksom aldrig helt lyckat. Visst kan man dölja det genom att lägga på stora mattor, men det är något visst att gå direkt på ett gediget trägolv. I stora rum gör sig enplanksgolv bra! Breda plank lugnar ner intrycket av rummet. Snyggast just nu är
Thank You for the Mention
Jen, the author of Made By Girl was one of the first blogs I started reading a couple of years ago. I am happy to call her a friend and I was thrilled to be a part of her holiday series: One Gift. The gift I chose was the Pottery Barn Daily System - and can you believe that I received it from my husband? See it displayed in my home office below. I love it and it keeps me organized!Thank you
black white minimalist interior
millenium black white minimalist interiormillenium black white minimalist interior millenium black white minimalist interior millenium black white minimalist interior millenium black white minimalist interior
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Världens finaste hotellrum?
Allt eftersom den stora massan blir allt mer inredningsintresserad blommar designhotell upp överallt. Är man på trendspaning är det bara att kolla in dessa då de ofta är bland de första med det senaste! Kanske passar det inte alla plånböcker att bo i ett rum som detta, men inspiration är gratis och gillar man något kan man försöka plocka in det i sitt eget hem! Tittar man på bilden så ser man att
Michael Kors Spring 2011 and Best of the Week
Michael Kors Spring 2011 campaign / Karmen Pedaru via Fashion Gone RogueIt's the weekend, and I hope yours is off to a great start. Enjoy these links from this week on Bright Bold and Beautiful and around the web!To receive your free gift, please vote for the Homies 2011 {best design blog} today.Color Inspiration : MintValentine's Day gifts from Layla GrayceDIY - Make your own Plush OwlsModern
karmen pedaru,
Michael Kors,
spring 2011,
You Can Swim In and Swim Out
When I was a kid in Houston Texas my parents had a friendwho had a house with one of these 'swim in swim out' swimming pools.All these years later I still think of them.I thought it was the coolest thing ever.I have searched the blogasphere far and wide and could never find any of these fabulous swimming pools.I think it was because I didn't know what search word to use.I tried everything.I have
Ovanlig snäcka i badrummet!
Det är alltid kul då designers leker med former! Denna formen har vi inte sett på ett handfat tidigare. Designern är inspirerad av blommor och alla handfat är gjorda i vacker sten. Handfaten är sedan behandlade så att de får ett glänsande lyxigt ytskickt. Det för nästan tankarna till en gnistrande jättesnäcka! Designade av Enzo Burti för Decormarmi.
best minimalist interior picture
It is best option to choose right decorative theme for your cafe which bring warm and inviting atmosphere. As we know, interior design cafe is one of supporting to make interest cafe visitor. Firstly, you need to place furniture and decorations effectively. Any number of tables can be combining together to create larger place for two or more people to sit. This idea can saves space and
Friday, January 21, 2011
If You Are On The North Shore In Chicago...
In Chicago.....Christopher Guy has opened a new showroom.Hollywood Classic Glamour, I love it.And if you are a designer,I think you NEED to go.It is Christopher Guy's second showroom in the U.S.The other is in Beverly Hills.I say "Why not on Worth Avenue in Palm Beach?"Are you listening Mr. Christopher Guy?Palm Beach would just LOVE your line.Palm Beach is glamorous. No? I would be more than
Constantemente preguntan en mi blog de dormitorios, cómo decorar un dormitorio sin ventanas. Esto es un problema pues debería existir una ventana en cada habitación por la calidad del aire y la calidad de la luz, sin embargo aveces por “x” motivos tenemos en casa dormitorios sin ventanas, y no sabemos que hacer o que poner para que estos cuartos tengan ventilación e iluminación.
A muchos le fascinan las piedras y quieren llevarlas al dormitorio de alguna manera pero no saben cómo. Las piedras aportan belleza, textura y naturaleza a ese espacio donde pasamos gran parte de nuestra vida. Aqui algunas fotos con ideas que encontré en la red, donde usan piedras en el dormitorio.
Dormitorio Paz y amor. Lo llamé así porque al ver la foto de Chase Cohl en, al instante recordé la onda “peace and love”, los rolling stones, la música de antes de los 80 y cosas similares.
Dormitorio tuquesa y rosa
En nuestra categoría de dormitorios podrás encontrar una amplia variedad de ideas inspiradoras ,cada una de ellas se adapta a diferentes tamaños y colores donde puedes elegir el más adecuado para tu espacio.
Habitaciones para jóvenes creativos
Muchos de los jóvenes odian la mirada spic y la duración de las habitaciones increíblemente ordenado que las compañías de muebles tienden a mostrar en sus catálogos. Les gusta ver las habitaciones que aparecen un poco más “normal” y “habitado” con ese toque personal. Esperamos que este mensaje sería ayudar a los que la mirada hacia fuera para esas salas. Si eres joven, artístico y desea que su
Moderno niños muebles de dormitorio y accesorios
Colección de mobiliario infantil dormitorio para su cuarto de los niños. Dormitorios de los niños son más que un lugar para buscar descanso. Además de dormir, dormitorios niños son un espacio real donde los niños a descubrir y explorar nuevos intereses. Establece %27niños%27 Habitaciones Berloni dormitorios ofrecen gran capacidad de almacenamiento cama en un tamaño cómodo para los cuerpos más
Iluminación ideas de diseño en su dormitorio
La iluminación puede hacer una gran diferencia en cómo se siente acerca de su casa. Crear un ambiente relajado, cómodo y romántico en su habitación con estas ideas de iluminación. Hay tres tipos básicos de iluminación que trabajan juntos a la luz de su casa: General, Técnico y de acento. Un plan de buena iluminación combina los tres tipos a la luz de un área, según la función y estilo. Una
Moderno suites muebles de dormitorio y juegos
Moderno Dormitorio Muebles Juegos – El dormitorio es un lugar creado para la privacidad y la relajación. Haga que su dormitorio en un santuario de estilo y sofisticación con un moderno sistema de dormitorio. Encontrar muebles modernos dormitorio que es elegante y con estilo es ahora más fácil que nunca con el aumento de la disponibilidad de mobiliario retro y de buen precio y de diseño elegante
Beautiful Home Living: Kitchen Renovation
Wow, what an amazing transformation! From the wonderful windows with natural light, to the beautiful chandeliers and recessed lighting, it is all a glow! A fabulous home renovation by Bradley Davidson here in Richmond, Virginia.Wall color: Putnam Ivory, Benjamin Moore / Coast Green Marble TopsSee the before photo here.Last week's Beautiful Living post: Bulletin Boards and PegboardsWant more? See
Suzanne Rheinstein: Our Guest!
We’re back! The Skirted Roundtable took a long Christmas break, but just before we left we welcomed Suzanne Rheinstein as our guest. Yes! THE Suzanne Rheinstein. She was in NYC at the time, visiting her daughter and staying in her fabulous apartment that is featured on the cover of her new book: At Home. What a way to start the new year with a guest like Suzanne. She’s such a
Suzanne Rheinstein: Our Guest!
We’re back! The Skirted Roundtable took a long Christmas break, but just before we left we welcomed Suzanne Rheinstein as our guest. Yes! THE Suzanne Rheinstein. She was in NYC at the time, visiting her daughter and staying in her fabulous apartment that is featured on the cover of her new book: At Home. What a way to start the new year with a guest like Suzanne. She’s such a
Minimalist Interior Design Trend
Cafe is the place to relaxes we can rest, drink coffee or cocktail. Typical cafe can found in just every nook and cranny across the nation. But the decoration for each cafe is different. It can be difficult project to do when you want to decorating and designing a provincial cafe motif and creating the look like your home. The good news is cafe usually need lower budget when it comes to
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Gör ditt eget spröjs - tjäna tusenlappar!
Det många inte tänker på när de beställer nya kök är att glasluckor med spröjs gör att priset drar iväg alldeles vansinnigt! Ett bra tips är att beställa skåpen utan spröjs och sedan göra spröjset själv! På det viset blir det ett löstagbart spröjs och du kan variera ditt köks utseende hur mycket som helst! (Man fäster spröjset med klisterkuddar) Det är ju bara att ta bort om man tröttnar! På
Armario moderno de muebles de dormitorio
Estos guardarropa del dormitorio son muy hermosos y capaces de dar un aspecto elegante a la zona de dormitorio siempre que sea colocado. Mejore su decoración interior del dormitorio con un diseño cómodo descanso de armario hülsta moderna. Hülsta puede ayudar a los aficionados del diseño contemporáneo en blanco y negro que quieren tal cosa en su interior. Elija el tamaño y acabado de su armario
Minimalista dormitorio muebles y decoración de interiores
Este diseño de dormitorio es un buen ejemplo del interior de un dormitorio minimalista. El minimalismo es una de las muchas ideas dormitorio de diseño de interiores. El diseño minimalista del interior tiende a evocar un sentido de calma y bienestar. Para conseguir un look minimalista en una habitación, es necesario comenzar con un esquema de color de los neutrales, blanco y negro. Dormitorio de
The Homies - Best Home Design Blog of 2011
The Homies 2011 presented by Apartment Therapy is accepting nominations for your favorite Best Home Design blog. Click here to leave a comment for your fave! Of course I would be thrilled for you to pick BB&B - so after you have, come back here and leave a comment with your e-mail ~ I will give you a coupon code for 25% off entire order in my shop -or- a complimentary watercolor print! Your
Fashion Update: Transition from Winter to Spring with Ivory Bangles
Transition from Winter to Spring 2011 with Ivory bangles... always elegant, always in style!Kelly Cuff- Ivory & Black as seen in Redbook Sloane Enamel Bangle as seen in Cosmopolitan. {Both from the fabulous collection of Stella and Dot}More Fashion blog posts and More ways to follow BB&Bshop * facebook * twitter * bloglovin *
Stella and Dot
really modern really old house design
I ran across some photos of this house I thought interesting. Actually, I love it. The home located in Yport in Normandy, France was designed by Franklin Azzi Architecture in Paris.
I have for some time been very interested in the blending and contrasting of old and new - of traditional and modern. Here the focal point for the design composition is a simple brick and stone box. This emulates old fashioned rural farm structures that can be seen throughout the French countryside.
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The ends of the box have been completely opened up - providing access to a modern flat roof covered patio. The design of the roof clearly contrasts with the gable form. |
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The rear of the home has a clearly modern "addition". The gable form itself is repeated however the design clearly distinguishes itself from the traditional box. |
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Ridiculous views of countryside. The roof deck we could never do in the USA because building codes would not allow it. Someone could fall off. |
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Clean and simple interior bedroom space with exposed timber framework. The old and new again coming together. |
New Simple Yet Dramatic Home Design
I just completed a new home design for a client that will be built in "Tapestry at Charlotte's Grove"; a new community in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. This modern cottage house plan is a classic example of the kind of work I love to do. Simple yet dramatic in form. Clean detailing inside and out. Open and connected spaces. Efficient in it's use of space and relatively affordable to construct. Here is a sneak peek at the exteriors.
Look for a variation of this design to be offered soon at Simply Elegant Home Designs.
Modern Small Bathroom Design Ideas
![home interior design bathroom](
![bathroom minimalis interior ideas](
![home interior bathroom ideas](
![home interior ideas bathroom minimalist](
Modern and small is very match to you which have a minimalist home interior. All small and very interesting ideas, Small Bathroom interior just for you which want to build a minimalis interior and not have a larger land. Are you have a minimalist home interior ?? this ideas i share to you , i hope this very interesting and amazing for you.
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